micron teflon syringe filter hplc factory
Hydrophobic PTFE Syringe Filters 25mm Diameter 0.22μm Pore
Is the good method for filtering HPLC, GC small samples. VARIETIES OF CHOICES: With OEM factories in Taiwan and Vietnam, we produce varieties material
Millex Syringe Filter, Hydrophilic PTFE, Non-sterile | SLLGC13NL
Millex Syringe Filter, Hydrophilic PTFE, Non-sterile 0.20 µm pore size, 13 mm diameter, Millex-LG hydrophilic PTFE membrane, ion chromatography certified
Millex-FA Syringe Filter Unit, 1.0 µm, hydrophobic PTFE, 50 mm, H...